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Sefton Local Election results

How much to pay for care

If you use care and support services, it is very likely that you will pay for the cost yourself. 

If you have  savings or investments over £23,250, either in your own right or shared with your spouse/partner, you will have to pay the full cost of the residential care or nursing home.

If you have less than £23,250, you will pay towards the cost of your residential care or nursing home. This will follow an assessment to decide how much you need to pay.  

Anything less than £14,250 is ignored. However, if you have between £14,250 - £23,250 we will apply a tariff income. This assumes that you can afford to pay £1 for every £250 between these amounts. This will form part of your contribution towards the cost of your care home.

Last Updated on Monday, May 30, 2022

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