Tragic incident in Southport - Monday 29th July

Updates and Support

Social Care Assessment

Your adult social care assessment will help us to determine your care needs and eligibility.

This isn’t an interview, just an informal conversation so there’s no need to worry about it. All we ask is that you answer the questions honestly so that we can get an accurate picture of your current situation and how we may be able to support you.

There is a lot of support already available in Sefton that you may not be aware that could meet your needs. These services can be found on the Sefton Charity and Voluntary Sector Directory.

For impartial advice about equipment to help you to stay independent visit Ask SARA.

How do I get an assessment?

If you still feel you would benefit from an assessment please call 0345 140 0845 (Monday to Thursday - 9am to 5.30pm, Friday - 9am to 5pm, closed weekends and Bank Holidays). We will take your details from you and someone from the Adult Social Care team will be in touch to arrange the next steps.

What happens during an assessment?

Someone from our team will visit you to talk about your daily routine, your needs, and what you enjoy doing. You can have someone with you when we visit if you would like to.

We may ask you questions about:

  • You, your family, friends and others– We’ll get to know you and any hobbies and interests you may have. We’ll also ask about your support circle and your relationships with them.
  • You and your community– We will ask you about your community connections, any regular activities you participate in as well as anything you would like to get involved with.
  • Your personal care and everyday tasks– This is where we’ll talk about your daily routine and personal care needs. This is an opportunity to tell us about any tasks you find difficult and feel you need support with.
  • Managing your healthcare– You will be able to tell us about any ongoing health conditions you have been diagnosed with, your mobility and the impact any conditions may have on your daily life. We will also ask about any regular medication you may be taking.
  • You and your home– This is your chance to talk about your living situation and how it works for you.
  • Keeping safe– You are welcome to raise any concerns you have about your own safety and wellbeing and help us to understand what we can do to help you to stay safe.

This conversation will help us to understand whether you are eligible for social care support.

What needs can you receive support with?

We can help with lots of things that you might struggle with, including:

  • Staying in touch with family and friends.
  • Being able to take part in your hobbies.
  • Taking part in community activities.
  • Work or volunteering opportunities, or education.
  • Helping you to eat well.
  • Looking after yourself, including help with bathing.
  • Your emotional wellbeing.
  • Being able to move around your home independently.
  • Keeping your home clean and tidy.

What happens after an assessment?

After speaking to you, we will check to see if your needs meet the criteria for support through Adult Social Care. You will be eligible if you:

  • Have care and support needs as a result of a physical or mental condition.
  • Because of those needs, you can’t achieve two or more of the outcomes specified in your needs assessment.
  • As a result, there is a significant impact on your wellbeing.

If you are eligible, we will work with you to create a support plan. The support plan will list your needs and what we can do together to help you to meet them.

If you are found not to be eligible for social care at this time, we will connect you to other services in your community that can help you to live independently.

What if I don’t agree with my assessor?

If you think your assessor has made an incorrect decision, you can ask them to explain why they made it. They will talk through your needs and whether or not they meet the national criteria. You can ask them to reconsider their decision or ask for someone else’s opinion.

Do I have to pay for my care?

If you use care and support services, it is very likely that you will have to pay towards your care yourself. For more information on paying for care, please visit our Paying For Care page.

What if my needs change?

We will regularly review your needs to make sure we are offering the correct support. If you do not have a review visit scheduled and think your needs have changed, you can ask us for a care review.


Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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