It's the time of year for garden waste collections - please check your collection dates.

When is my Bin Collection Day

Vehicle Changes

If you are applying for a Vehicle Change and your existing licence has a ā€˜PVā€™ prefix, e.g. PV9999, please visit Bootle One Stop Shop with all your original documents and you will be supported through the process. You will be required to have access to an e-mail account and the facility to pay on-line.

If you are applying for a Vehicle Change and your existing licence starts with a ā€˜Vā€™ prefix, e.g. V8888, you should access your online portal account and apply for a Vehicle Replacement by clicking on the original licence and then clicking Replacement Vehicle. You will be required to have access to an e-mail account and the facility to pay on-line.

Vehicle Change documents required:

  • New Vehicle Mechanical Fitness test certificate (from a Council approved garage
  • New Vehicle V5 registration document / bill of sale
  • New Vehicle Insurance certificate (valid on the first day of new licence)
  • New Vehicle Meter seal certificate (if the vehicle is a Hackney Carriage with a meter fitted)

For Vehicle Change fees see fees schedule.

Last Updated on Friday, November 22, 2024

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