Flooding in Sefton - see latest warnings and update on situation in Bootle

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Images from the Southport Town Deal showing the MLEC project, Enterprise Arcade and a Tourism signpost from Kings Gardens
Images from the Southport Town Deal showing the MLEC project, Enterprise Arcade and a Tourism signpost from Kings Gardens

Southport Town Deal

A total of £37.5m has been given to Sefton Council by the Town Deal Fund for Southport. Sefton Council, through extensive consultation, developed Southport’s Town Investment plan. This sets out the long-term strategy and long-term ambitions for Southport. From the three core principles of looking to strengthen the visitor economy, diversifying the local economy, and infrastructure to under pin growth of these two areas, four key projects were identified. They are the Marine Lake Events Centre, Les Transformations de Southport, Enterprise Arcade and Building Better Customer Experience.
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