Tragic incident in Southport - Monday 29th July

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Become A Councillor

When are the next elections in Sefton?

Elections are held in Sefton in all electoral wards in three out of every four years, usually on the first Thursday in May.

The next scheduled local elections will be held on Thursday 2 May 2024

There are no scheduled local elections in Sefton in 2025

The next scheduled local elections will then be held on Thursday 7 May 2026.

Can I stand for election?

To stand for election, you must be:

  • 18 years of age or over
  • British or a citizen of the Commonwealth. You may also be eligible as a citizen of the European Union, however the criteria has changed now that the UK has left the European Union. Please check on the website for advice about EU citizens’ voting and candidacy rights in local elections.
  • And you are
    • either be registered to vote on the current register with the local council
    • or have either worked or lived in the council's area for one year
    • or have been an owner or tenant of any land or premises in the council's area for one year

You cannot stand for election if you:  

  • Work for or are paid by Sefton Council. You can work for another local authority if you are not in a politically restricted post.
  • Are the subject of a bankruptcy restrictions order or interim order.
  • Have been sentenced to prison for three months or more (including suspended sentences) during the five years before election day.
  • Have been convicted of a corrupt or illegal practice by an election court.
  • Are subject to any relevant notification requirements, or a relevant order, in respect of a sexual offence

Please read the full eligibility criteria from the Electoral Commission

Representing a political party

If you want to represent a political party, then you need to get involved with your party locally as soon as possible. They will advise on what is involved and you will usually be required to go through a selection process before you can become a candidate.

Standing as an independent candidate

If you’re thinking of standing as an independent candidate, please contact Electoral Services at or by calling 0345 140 0845.

Need to know more?

To find out more about becoming a Councillor, you can:

Why are Councillor's important?

Councillors are important and vital to the local community because:

  • They are a voice of the community
  • They are champions of the users of local services
  • Local people know what is best for local communities
  • They are critical to the effective functioning of democracy
  • They play an important role in helping to shape future services for the benefit of the local people.

 What do Councillors do?

  • Councillors are elected by local people to plan, run, monitor, and develop Council business, which includes taking part in partnerships with others
  • Councillors work to improve the quality of life for people within the Sefton area and make decisions about local issues
  • Councillors are essential in deciding what is in the public interest amidst a range of conflicting issues and views
  • The overriding duty of Councillors is to the whole community, but they have a special duty to their constituents, including those who did not vote for them.

 Areas of responsibility

The role of a local Councillor can be varied, and it is up to each individual Councillor how they work. Key roles, rights and duties and conduct issues are set out below:

Councillors will:

(i) collectively be the ultimate policy makers and carry out a number of strategic and corporate management functions;

  • (ii) represent their communities and bring their views into the Council's decision-making process that is become the advocate of and for their communities;
  • (iii) deal with individual casework and act as an advocate for constituents in resolving particular concerns or grievances;
  • (iv) balance different interests identified within the ward and represent the ward as a whole;
  • (v) be involved in decision making;
  • (vi) where appropriate to represent the Council on other bodies (with their consent); and
  • (vii) maintain the highest standards of conduct and ethics.

rights and duties:

  • (i) Councillors will have rights of access to documents (and electronically held information), information, land and buildings of the Council necessary for the proper discharge of their functions and in accordance with the law;
  • (ii) Councillors will not make public information which is confidential or exempt without the consent of the Council or divulge information given in confidence to anyone other than a Councillor or officer entitled to know it; and
  • (iii) for these purposes, "confidential" and "exempt" information are defined in the Access to Information Rules in Chapter 11 of the Council’s Constitution.


  • Councillors will at all times observe the Members' Code of Conduct and the Protocol on Member/Officer Relations set out in Chapter 11 of the Council’s Constitution.

What happens after you are elected?

Councillors are public office holders, and accordingly are subject to a statutory regime, designed to promote high standards in public life.

If elected, when you sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, you are agreeing to be bound by the Member Code of Conduct. You must ensure that you read this prior to signing it, indicating that you will adhere to it.

You must sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office by Tuesday 7 May 2024.

Newly elected Councillors will be given a full induction and you will need to ensure that you are available when advised to attend the induction event.

As well as supporting residents in our communities, Councillors sit on Committees and make decisions at local level.

All Councillors will receive a basic allowance that recognises the time devoted, and expenses incurred by Members in carrying out their duties.


Last Updated on Monday, August 19, 2024

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