Tragic incident in Southport - Monday 29th July

Updates and Support

Frequently asked questions

Make sure you are registered to vote!

Anyone not already registered to vote can register online at

To vote at the election you must be 18 years old and a British, Irish or Commonwealth Citizen.

The deadline for applying to vote at the election is Midnight on Thursday, April 14th, 2022.

When applying you must provide your Date of Birth and your National Insurance Number.

If you do not know your National Insurance Number then your application will not be processed and we will need to contact you.

National Insurance Numbers are issued to everyone at around 15 and half year’s old. If you do not know your number, please visit

To register to vote or for more information on registering to vote, please visit

Key Election Dates

Notice of Election

28 March 2022

Close of nominations

4pm on 5 April 2022

Deadline to register vote

14 April 2022

Deadline for new postal vote applications and to change existing postal or proxy arrangements 

5pm on 19 April 2022

Deadline for proxy applications

5pm on 25 April 2022

Election Day

Thursday 5 May 2022 6am-10pm



0345 140 0845

Write to us:


Sefton Council, Electoral Services, Bootle Town Hall, Oriel Road, Bootle, L20 7AE

If you are unable to get to your Polling Station on election day, you can vote by post on a temporary or permanent basis. You will receive your ballot paper by post approximately 10-12 days before the election day.

Instructions on how to vote by post are included and must be followed in order for the vote to be validated.

If you spoil or lose your postal vote, you should contact us immediately on 0345 140 0845 or email us at

Your postal vote will then be cancelled and a fresh ballot pack will be delivered to you. Please note that postal vote packs can only be re-issued up to 5pm on election day.

Who can apply for a postal vote?

Anyone registered to vote. You do not need a reason to vote by post. Please contact Electoral Services for an application form or alternatively you can go to

Where can I get my postal vote sent to?

You can have your postal vote sent to your home address or any other address, even overseas. If the address given is not your home address you must give a reason why you want the postal vote sending elsewhere. Postal voters overseas must have enough time to receive and return the ballot paper by election day.

When you vote

  • Sign the security statement and enter your date of birth.
  • Complete your ballot paper in secret, on your own.
  • Don't let anyone else vote for you.
  • Don't let anyone else see your vote.
  • Don't give the ballot paper to anyone else.
  • Put the ballot paper in the envelope and seal it up yourself.

Returning your postal vote

  • Take it to the post box yourself.
  • If you can't get to the post box, give it to somebody you know and trust to post it for you.
  • Don't hand it to a candidate or party worker unless no other way is practical.
  • Don't leave it where someone else can pick it up.

Royal Mail has 35,000 Priority Post Boxes, these boxes have late collection times, with 98% of the having a collection time of after 16:00.

In many cases these Priority Post Boxes will also have an earlier collection as well.

Of the 35,000 Priority Post Boxes 15,000 of them also have a collection between 15:00 and 17.00 on both Saturday and Sunday.

You can use the following website to find local priority boxes in your area


This is your vote

If you have any questions or would like a postal vote application form please contact us, using the contact details below:

  • If anyone tries to help you against your will, or force you to give them your postal vote, you should contact the police.
  • You must return your ballot paper so it is received by 10pm on Election Day, or your vote will not be counted.

Electoral Services Contact Details


0345 140 0845


Write to us:

Sefton Council, Electoral Services, Bootle Town Hall, Oriel Road, Bootle, L20 7AE

If you are unable to get to your Polling Station on election day you can apply for a proxy vote, as long as you are registered to vote. A proxy vote means asking another person to go to your polling station on your behalf. When you apply for a proxy vote you have to provide a reason.

All new applications to appoint a proxy must be received no later than 5pm on Tuesday 27 April 2021.

Can I apply for a proxy vote?

You can apply for a proxy vote if:

  • You are away on holiday
  • You have a disability or a medical reason
  • Your employment means that you cannot go to the polling station on election day
  • Your attendance on an educational course
  • You are a British citizen living overseas
  • You are a crown servant or a member of Her Majesty's Armed Forces.

When can I apply to vote by proxy?

The deadline for applying to vote by proxy is 6 working days before an election. If you have a medical emergency or you are unable to attend your local polling station for unforeseen work reasons within 6 days of an election day, you can apply to vote using an emergency proxy.

Who can vote on my behalf?

Anyone can be your proxy as long as they are registered to vote in UK elections, and they are willing to vote on your behalf.

A proxy voter cannot do so for more than two people at any one election, unless they are a close relative.

For further information on proxy voting, please visit

If you have any questions or would like an application form to vote by proxy, please contact the Electoral Services staff using the contact details below:

Electoral Services Contact Details


0345 140 0845

Write to us:


Sefton Council, Electoral Services, Bootle Town Hall, Oriel Road, Bootle, L20 7AE

If you have been living overseas, but you have been registered to vote in the UK within the last 15 years then you can register to vote as an overseas elector.

For further information, please visit

You can vote by post or by proxy, but it may be prudent to appoint a proxy in the UK to vote on your behalf.

Application deadlines are the same as those for UK electors.

Students can register to vote from their home address and at their University address

The rules only allow you to vote in one constituency at a General Election.

If you are at home, but would like to vote from your University address, then you should contact the local authority where you are registered with and arrange for a postal vote.

When completing the application, you can request that the postal pack is delivered to your home address.

Local, Combined Authority Mayoral and Police & Crime Commissioner Elections - 6 May 2021

On Thursday 6 May 2021, residents of Sefton can go to the polls to have their say on who represents them at the local Seton Council elections, Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Mayoral election and the Merseyside Police & Crime Commissioner election.

While the elections are not until May, we are already making plans to help you stay safe while casting your vote.  

There are a number of ways to have your say in the elections in May: you can vote in your local polling station, by post, or by appointing someone you trust to vote on your behalf, which is known as a proxy vote.

Merseyside Area Police and Crime Commissioner Elections and Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Mayoral Election

Further information on these elections being held on Thursday 6 May 2021, please click on the links below

Police and Crime Commissioner Election


Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Mayoral Election

Official poll cards are issued to every person registered to vote at the election.

Poll cards are issued for information purposes. We do not re-issue poll cards.

Electors can take them to the polling station and this will assist the staff, but it is not necessary to do so.

Pencils are provided in the polling station but due to the current circumstances surrounding Covid-19 we would recommend that you take your own pen/pencil with you.

Wearing a face mask is compulsory inside the polling station unless you are medically exempt.

Councillors represent the people of Sefton. They are elected to become a member of the council when local elections are held. We have 66 Councillors, three each for the 22 areas of Sefton, known as Wards. Councillors are usually elected for four years.

The duty of Councillors is to the whole community, but they have a special responsibility to champion the needs of all the constituents in their ward. Councillors have to agree to follow a code of conduct to ensure high standards in the way they go about their duties.

How do I become a Councillor?

If you wish to stand for election, you must be:

  • A British citizen, a citizen of the Commonwealth, the Republic of Ireland or of another European State
  • 18 years of age
  • Included on the Register of Electors for Sefton, or be someone who has either lived or worked in the borough for the 12 months preceding the election.

You need to be nominated to stand as a candidate at the election by:

  • Two electors of the electoral ward (as your proposer and seconder)
  • Eight other electors (supporting your nomination)

Do I have to be a member of a political party?

No, you don't, you can stand as an independent candidate.

You can contact us using the details below if you would like more information about becoming a Councillor.

Nomination Information and Resources - 6 May 2021

On Thursday 6 May 2021, residents in Sefton will go to the polls to have their say on who represents them at the local elections.

If you are thinking of standing as a candidate in Sefton at the May elections, please find below links to the Electoral Commission website, which will give you information and guidance on what to do.


0345 140 0845

Write to us:


Sefton Council, Electoral Services, Bootle Town Hall, Oriel Road, Bootle, L20 7AE


Guidance on how you can become a candidate can be found on the Electoral Commission website:

Guidance on publicity in the pre-election period can be found on the Local Government Association website:


Last Updated on Monday, August 19, 2024

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