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Proxy Voting

Proxy Voting

If you are unable to get to your polling station on election day you can apply for a proxy vote, as long as you are registered to vote. A proxy vote means asking another person to go to your polling station on your behalf. When you apply for a proxy vote you have to provide a reason.

Who can apply for a proxy vote?

You can apply for a proxy vote if:

  • You are away on holiday
  • You have a disability or a medical reason
  • Your employment means that you cannot go to the polling station on election day
  • Your attendance on an educational course
  • You are a British citizen living overseas
  • You are a crown servant or a member of Her Majesty's Armed Forces


When can I apply to vote by proxy?

The deadline for applying to vote by proxy is six working days before an election. If you have a medical emergency within six days of an election day, you can apply to vote by emergency proxy.

Who can vote on my behalf?

Anyone can be your proxy as long as they are registered to vote in UK elections and they are willing to vote on your behalf.

How can I apply for a proxy vote?

You can now apply online for a proxy vote. You will need to provide the following information when completing your application:

  • your National Insurance number or any other identity document, for example a passport
  • your date of birth
  • the address where your proxy is registered to vote
  • contact details for your proxy

You'll also need to upload a photo of your handwritten signature in black ink on plain white paper.

If you cannot provide a signature or one that always looks the same, you may be able to apply for a proxy vote signature waiver within the service.

If you have any questions or would like a paper application form to vote by proxy, please contact the Electoral Services on; alternatively you can download an application at

Can I apply for an emergency proxy vote?

In certain circumstances, where you have an emergency that means you cannot vote in person, you can apply for an emergency proxy vote.

This must be something that you were not aware of before the normal proxy deadline. 

For further information please contact Electoral Services on

Last Updated on Wednesday, October 2, 2024

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