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Voting In Sefton

Voting in person

If you are on the electoral register and eligible to vote, you will receive a poll card before the election. This will tell you when and where to vote. If you lose your poll card you can still vote.

You must bring Photo ID with you when voting in person.

On the day of the election you will need to go in person to a polling station to vote and will be asked your name and address, you will also have to show photographic ID to the polling station staff. 

Find out what you need to know about photo ID

Polling stations are normally open from 7am to 10pm.

Unsure on how to vote? Here's an easy read guide on the steps you need to take when voting.


Voting by post

Anyone who is on the electoral register can apply for a postal vote. The postal vote is sent directly to you before the day of the election.

You will need to return your postal vote by post before the deadline given. If you miss the deadline you can hand in your postal vote at a polling station on election day.

Postal Vote Priority Post Boxes
Royal Mail has 35,000 Priority Post Boxes which have late collection times with 98% of them having a collection time after 4pm.

In many cases these Priority Post Boxes also have an earlier collection as well and of the 35,000 Priority Post Boxes, 15,000 of them will have a collection between 3pm and 5pm on both Saturday and Sunday.


Voting by proxy

Proxy voting means you appoint someone to vote on your behalf if you are unable to get to the polling station on election day. Your chosen proxy must also be registered to vote.

To vote by proxy you have to give a reason, for example if you are away on holiday or on business. The proxy vote will only be valid for the current election.

Emergency proxy applications

You can apply for an emergency proxy if:

  • you have a medical emergency after the deadline that means you cannot go to the polling station in person
  • your occupation, service or employment means that you cannot go to the polling station in person, and you only become aware of that fact after the deadline

To apply for an emergency proxy vote call 0345 140 0845

How to vote if you have been made a proxy

You will be sent a proxy poll card with details of where you should go to vote. When you get to the polling station, the staff will tell you what to do.


Voting if you have a disability

We offer a range of support for voters with a disability, including voters with a learning disability. Most of our polling stations:

  • are wheelchair accessible and we provide ramps where needed
  • have a polling booth adapted for wheelchair users 
  • have large print versions of ballot papers, along with aids to enable blind voters to mark their ballot papers without help.

If you are a voter with a disability and you need support to complete a ballot paper on your own, you can take a friend or relative to the polling station to help you.

The presiding officer at the polling station can also help you fill in your ballot paper.

View or download easy read guides about voting and registering to vote on Mencap's website

Last Updated on Wednesday, October 2, 2024

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