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Hate crime

Report an incident

If you are the victim of a hate crime or hate incident you are encouraged to call the Police using 101 or the Police Facebook and Twitter  accounts.

Merseyside Police have a dedicated page here, where you can report hate crime and find out more

If you don’t want to report it to the Police you can make a report to Stop Hate UK using the following:

Stop Hate UK are a registered charity and provide the helpline across Merseyside supported by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner. The service is confidential.

You can also report a hate crime at one of a number of reporting centres across Sefton.

You can use the online form to report an incident of hate crime.

What is Hate Crime?

Hate Crime is any criminal offence, which is perceived by the victim, or any other person as being motivated by prejudice or hate. This can be based on the victims actual or perceived race, religious belief, sexual orientation, age, disability or whether the person is transgender.

A victim of hate crime does not necessarily have to be a member of a minority group, or be classed as vulnerable, and incidents may arise because of association.

Hate crime incidents can include:

  • Verbal abuse, threats insults, nuisance telephone calls, name-calling and intimidation
  • Physical assaults and attacks on the person
  • Attacks against the person’s property, for example offensive graffiti, breaking windows, and damaging cars
  • Arson
  • Publishing and distributing leaflets and newspapers that are likely to incite hate crime is a criminal offence
  • Being singled out and being treated differently by other residents because you are not the same as them

Last Updated on Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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