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Attendance Allowance

Attendance Allowance is a benefit available for people over the age of 65 who have health problems or disabilities.

If you live or work in Sefton and would like help to claim Attendance Allowance or any other welfare benefit please contact the Welfare Rights Team.

The Welfare Rights Team can also help you to challenge any decision about your benefits

Attendance Allowance is paid to people who need help looking after themselves indoors. You don't need to have someone looking after you to qualify.

To claim Attendance Allowance you need to:

  • Be over 65 years of age
  • Have had an illness or disability for at least six months
  • Expect to have your illness or disability for at least the next six months
  • Be resident and present in the UK
  • Show that the Attendance Allowance Checklist below applies to you

Attendance Allowance is not taken off income related benefits and you may receive higher amounts of benefits like Pension Credit, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit because you are paid Attendance Allowance.

If someone cares for you for 35 hours a week or more and you receive Attendance Allowance, the person who cares for you may be able to receive Carers Allowance

You can claim Attendance Allowance at the same time as other benefits, such as Carers Allowance, Pension Credit, State Retirement Benefit, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit as long as you fulfil the rules for these benefits.

Attendance Allowance should stop if you go into hospital for 4 weeks or more. Any additions you receive as part of Income Based Benefits that are linked to payment of Attendance Allowance will also stop. You will need to inform your local Disability Benefit Centre if you are in hospital for four weeks or more.

If someone is caring for you and claiming Carers Allowance, the Carers Allowance will also stop after you have been in hospital for 4 weeks.

If any of the statements below apply to you, you may qualify for Attendance Allowance. You should seek advice from the Welfare Rights Advisory Service.

Attendance Allowance Checklist

Do you have difficulties with:

  • Getting in or out of bed or being comfortable in bed
  • Dressing or undressing
  • Bathing, showering, washing (including washing hair and shaving)
  • Using or getting to the toilet
  • Eating and drinking
  • Taking medication
  • Falls or stumbles indoors
  • Hearing or Seeing
  • Reading letters or forms
  • Confusion, anxiety or depression
  • Remembering things

Attendance Allowance can be paid at two rates,

  • Low (£53.00): If you need help with your personal care either during the day or night, or
  • High (£79.15): If you need help with your personal care both during the day and night.

To claim Attendance Allowance you need to complete a claim pack (AA1A) which you can get from your local Disability Benefits Centre.

Last Updated on Monday, August 12, 2024

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