It's the time of year for garden waste collections - please check your collection dates.

When is my Bin Collection Day

Business Rates - Supporting Small Business Rate Relief

This relief is available to ratepayers who have lost some or all of their small business rate relief or rural rate relief as a result of an increase in rateable value in the 2023 revaluation.

To support these ratepayers, Supporting Small Business Rate Relief for 2023-2024 will ensure that any increase in bills is limited to a cash value of £600 per annum. This relief will remain for either 3 years or until the bill that would have been paid without the scheme is reached.

The Council will identify eligible ratepayers and will issue revised bills.


Subsidy Control

Receipt of this relief is likely to amount to subsidy. If you are likely to breach the Small Amounts of Financial Assistance Allowance, then you must notify the Council immediately.

Further details on Subsidy Control can be found on the Business Rates - Subsidy Control page.

Last Updated on Thursday, October 24, 2024

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