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Spotlight on consultation

Every quarter, Sefton Council will take a closer look at an area of the Growth and Strategic Investment Programme. The current focus is on consultation.

Spotlight on: Consultation

Our Future Our Bootle

‘Our Future, Our Bootle’ is an Area Action Plan which will set out a clear vision for the town for the next 20 years and beyond.

It will identify the locations in the town where investment is needed, and new development is possible. It will help to secure the homes that people need and want, have good quality open spaces and facilities, help reduce the impact of climate change, and provide local jobs.

From August to November, the Council will carry out a 12-weekconsultation with residents and businesses on the draft Area Action Plan, which is available now on our website. We have sent out a leaflet with details of the consultation to all homes and businesses in Bootle.

Officers from the planning department will be at the
Bootle Strand so that residents can come along and see the plans and ask questions. They will be in the vacant shop opposite Specsavers in the Strand shopping centre on:

  • Friday 8th Sept 10am - 2pm.
  • Tuesday 12th Sept 1pm - 5pm.
  • Saturday 30th Sept 10am - 2pm.
  • There will also be an online workshop on Wednesday 27th September from 6pm to 7pm.

People can register to join by emailing the planning team.

The results will be reported as soon as possible after the consultation period has ended. Go to Your Sefton Your Say to find the Bootle Area Action Plan online consultation and the results of other consultations in Sefton.

Last Updated on Monday, August 12, 2024

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