Under the Licensing Act 2003:
- A premises licence is required where certain regulated entertainments are going to take place.
- Takeaways offering hot food between 11pm and 5am require a premises licence to provide late night refreshment.
- A personal licence is required by anyone who wants to allow the sale of alcohol as part of his or her business.
- A club premises certificate is required for 'qualifying clubs'.
- Temporary Event Notices are available for "short term" events.
- Licensees, the Council and other agencies must all work to promote the four Licensing Objectives.
- Other persons, businesses or bodies, responsible authorities and the Licensing Authority are all able to call for reviews on premises causing problems.
- We are required to produce a Licensing Policy.
- We are required to keep a Licensing Register.
From 6 April 2017 applicants must have the legal right to work in the UK in order to hold a personal licence and/or a premises licence (which includes sale of alcohol and/or late night refreshment), from that date proof of the right to work will be required.