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Early Help Module (EHM)

EHM is a secure, online, electronic early help case management system that will support the family support pathway. It will allow the recording and sharing of information for children and families who are receiving coordinated support under Early Help.

Early Help Assessment Form (word 173KB)
EHA Final 2023 (pdf 2.29MB)

 EHM provides for the following: 

  • Case Management and record keeping facilities for children who do not breach social care threshold, but merit some support and attention; including forms, assessments, plans, alerts and workflow.
  • Early Help & Intervention - recording and management of the Early Help and Family Support Pathway.
  • Team around the Family - the ability to set up the team around the family to coordinate all their activities.
  • Referrals in and out of Social Care - the ability to electronically escalate and refer cases into Social Care, and similarly to receive electronic referrals from Social Care

How to Access Early Help Module (EHM)

Upon completion of the online learning programme you will receive a username and password to access EHM.

Early Help Leads (Single Point of Contacts) will be identified in each service and will have access to EHM within their parent agency. This will enable them to view, update and record information on children’s records that they have been given access to following consent from the family. Practitioners will be restricted from viewing children’s records where consent has not been given. All users of EHM must adhere to the EHM Acceptable Use Policy and Procedures

Hints and Tips

If after you have searched thoroughly, you cannot find a person on EHM, please contact your Manager to create the person. If your manager is not available you can request it to be created by contacting your nearest Family Wellbeing Centre (to locate your nearest Family Wellbeing Centre go to and enter your postcode under Find my Nearest) or you can email, you will need to inform them of the person’s name, date of birth (or age), gender and address as a minimum.

If you are a manager and wish to create a new person, you can do this by clicking on the  “Create New” button on the search screen, any fields in red are mandatory and information must be added.


Adding a person (pdf 489KB)
  • Consent should be sought and recoded on EHM when you first engage with the family (Remember to add who gave consent)
  • A new consent statement should be completed whenever there is a change to the team around the family
  • A new consent statement should be completed if the family withdraw consent.

On your worktray, choose the group option of “Person” and then click on “Full Caseload” on the right-hand corner of the screen, or click on the tiles screen and view Cases where I am the Lead Practitioner etc. 

Click on the Active Episode box on the EHM Pathway, then click on the Decision Tab.  Click ‘Start’ next to Episode Completed and enter the date of the closure or click on today’s date.

Confirm that you wish to close the episode and start the episode closure form, ensure you select to copy forward from the episode start form.

Closing episode in eCAF

Any team around the family meeting (TAF) should be recorded from within the meeting process screen on EHM.

TAF Screenshot

To add the date, time and venue selected 'Update Meeting Details and Scheduling'.

To record who attended the meeting select 'Add Attendee'.

To record the action plan and meeting outcomes select 'meeting Held – Write up Outcomes' and complete the Action Plan and Review form.

  • Access Account from the menu bar
  • Select "Security Questions"
  • Amend your security questions and Answers, to save the changes select "Update"

EHM changing security questions

To set up a meeting for more than one child ensure all children are part of the episode and then click on the “Active Episode” section of the pathway, click on the “Decisions” tab and select “Organise next meeting”.

eCAF arrange next meeting screenshot

eCAF worktray screenshot

Click on the spanner icon on the worktray menu and select “Tray Publications”

In update relationships tick the box that says “Do NOT print this relationship in forms”

eCAF - do not print screenshot

Case notes should be used to record any communication with the family or other practitioners working with the family.

Case notes should NOT be used to record:

  • that an episode should be closed; or
  • information already recoded elsewhere e.g. information incorporated in the action plan or meeting outcomes form.

User Guides

EHM Login And Customisation Manual (pdf 427KB)
EHM Contacts User Manual (pdf 404KB)
EHM Case Notes Manual (pdf 316KB)
EHM Case Transfer Process (pdf 261KB)
EHM Recording Consent Manual (pdf 371KB)
Closing An EHM Plan And Episode (pdf 157KB)
Adding a person (pdf 489KB)

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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