This weekend Bootle’s Salt and Tar will see young people from Sefton selling a little bit of everything at the teenage market.

Salt and Tar’s July Social puts the spotlight on young people

Information for Providers

Information for Providers

The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme was launched in 2018 and is funded by the Department for Education. It is in place to provide free meals and activities for children in receipt of benefits-related free school meals. The programme runs throughout the Easter, summer and Christmas school holidays. Funding from the HAF programme is available to schools, holiday clubs, voluntary and community groups. You can find out more about the programme on the GOV.UK website.

Could you offer the HAF programme?

To be eligible for funding, you must be able to offer:

  • At least 1 hour of physical activity per day. This could be a sport, game, walk or free outdoor play
  • Enrichment activities
  • At least one meal a day (breakfast, lunch or tea)
  • Nutritional education
  • Signposting and Support for children and their families

The provision must be available for at least 4 hours per day, 4 days per week for:

  • 1 week of the Easter holidays
  • 4 weeks of the summer holidays
  • 1 week of the Christmas holidays

If you believe you meet the requirements and are interested in applying, please download our HAF Provider's Guidance Document and return you Expression of Interest Form to the email below. Expression of interest forms will be considered once per year before Easter applications. 
For more information contact 

View our HAF Application Calendar  

Last Updated on Tuesday, April 30, 2024

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