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New Online 'My Account' service

New Online 'My Account' service

My account for Council Tax enables Sefton residents to view and manage their Council Tax via a safe and secure online portal using a smartphone, laptop or desktop computer.

To register for your My account, you will need to enter the details as shown on your latest Council Tax bill or recovery notice. Once registered, you simply need to sign in to your account in future.

How to sign up  

You can use My Account to:

  • Sign up to paperless billing and access your bills 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All bills will be stored on the online account, eliminating the requirement to keep paper copies
  • View your up-to-date account information and check your balance
  • Sign up for Direct debit and update your payment details instantly
  • Apply for any Discounts or Exemptions that you may be eligible for
  • Make changes to your account without needing to speak to a Customer Services Advisor in the Contact Centre or One Stop Shops

Most changes reported via a My Account for Council Tax or Business Rates will be updated automatically resulting in speedier response times.

If you do not wish to register for My account, you can still: 

  • Tell us you have moved home
  • Upload evidence which will go directly on to your account
  • View Landlord or agent services to report changes in occupiers to any properties that you rent out to help ensure that the Council Tax at your property stays accurate
  • Search for the Council Tax band of a property

My Account for Council Tax or Business Rates enables Sefton residents and businesses to view and manage their Council Tax or Business Rates account via a safe and secure online portal using a smartphone, laptop or desktop computer.

When you register for My Account you will be able to:

  • Access to your bills 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All bills will be stored on the online account, eliminating the requirement to keep paper copies,
  • View and update your payment details instantly,
  • Apply for any Discounts or Exemptions that you may be eligible for,
  • Make changes to your account without needing to speak to a Customer Services Advisor in the Contact Centre or One Stop Shops,


Most changes reported via My account for Council Tax or Business Rates will be updated automatically resulting in speedier response times.

By registering for paperless billing you will have access to your bills 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All bills will be stored securely on the online account, eliminating the requirement to keep paper copies.

Yes, you will be able to report changes in occupiers to any properties that you rent out to help ensure that the Council Tax at your property stays accurate.

When you access your My Account, under the heading Other account details, select Show all and you will be able to view all of the accounts associated with your landlord account.

Check your spam or junk folder within your email account and add to your contacts or safe senders list.

If you have added this email to your contacts or safe senders list and have still not received your verification email, you may need to consider the following steps:-

  • Check the spelling of your email address.
  • If you are using a mobile app to access your email, try using an internet browser or other device, as some apps may have different security settings.


The registration link is only available for 24 hours. After this time, you will need to register again.  

To register for this service you will need to enter the details as shown on your latest bill or recovery notice. If you have any problems accessing the portal or if you have any queries about how to access and view information then you can visit Bootle One Stop Shop at 324-342 Stanley Road, Bootle or, alternatively, you can phone Sefton Council’s Contact Centre on 0345 140 0845 between the hours of 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday and a Customer Services Advisor will be able to assist you. 

Resident can't apply for an online account until they have an account number. If you are moving into Sefton from outside the area or setting up Council Tax for the first time (for example, moving from family and friends and previously not liable for Council Tax), you can complete a form online in the  'Tell us that you have moved home' section to tell us you are moving to Sefton.

You will be assigned a temporary account number, but once your change of address has been dealt with by the Council Tax section you can then register for a register with My Account, our online Council Tax portal to manage your account and view your bills online.


The total increase is 4.99%, including 2.99% Sefton MBC and 2.0% increase for Adult Social Care, but this shows on the online bill as 4.9% (annual increase) and 3% Sefton MBC increase, due to decimal rounding's.

If you don't have an online key you can use your Postcode or Account number to access your account.


Last Updated on Monday, August 19, 2024

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