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About Us

Happy 'n' Healthy Sefton are committed to improving the health, wellbeing and happiness of Sefton’s Children and Young People. The service will support young people up to the age of 19 and up to 25 if they have a special educational need or disability, and their families.

Happy ‘n’ Healthy Sefton unites a range of services that support children and young people with their health and wellbeing, helping them to become healthy adults. This is to help you access information, advice and support on topics such as:

  • Healthy weight management  
  • Mental health and well-being 
  • Physical activity 
  • Sexual health and relationships
  • Smoking and vaping
  • Substance and alcohol misuse

The service can be accessed by the children and young people themselves and parents/carers, whilst professionals can also refer in families they are supporting.

Happy ‘n’ Healthy hope to make it easier for young people and their families to access the services they need to improve their wellbeing. Children and young people usually have more than one health and wellbeing need therefore Happy ‘n’ Healthy can support them with multiple referrals into services.

Our partners will help to achieve this, alongside our wider partners such as Early Help and the Voluntary Sector. Find out more about who our partners are and the support they offer.

Download easy read version

Happy 'N' Healthy About Us (pdf 1.04MB)

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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