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School Streets and School Neighbourhoods

School Streets

School Streets are where the street or streets near to the entrance or entrances of a school are only open to people walking, scooting and cycling at the start and end of the school day.

This creates a much safer and pleasant place for people to access the school, whether you are a pupil, parent or a teacher. It also improves the street for the residents.

School Neighbourhoods

School Neighbourhoods are where a wider area is considered and changes to the street are made to create a safer and more inviting walking, cycling and scooting environment over a wider area – this may or may not include a closure of the streets or streets near to the entrance.

This could include traffic calming over a wider area, filtering of streets, widening of pavements, more crossing points. Typically, School Neighbourhoods take much longer to do as they include more work to make the changes.

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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