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Emerging Supplementary Planning Documents

New Supplementary Planning Documents Consultation

The Council are working on some new Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) to support the policies in the adopted Local Plan.

The Council are currently inviting all residents, businesses and other interested parties to comment on two SPD scoping reports.

The draft SPD scoping reports that are available for comment are:

Affordable and Supported Homes SPD scoping report

A scoping report on the preparation to update the Affordable and Supported Housing SPD. The scoping report outlines this SPD will provide additional guidance on how Local Plan policy HC1 ‘affordable and special needs housing’ should be interpreted and applied in proposals for housing developments. It is particularly aimed at professionals, such as consultants and developers as well as anyone interested in the delivery of affordable housing within Sefton. The scoping report further outlines key issues in consideration for the SPD, relevant planning policies and provides a timetable to completion.

Affordable and Supported Homes SPD scoping report (pdf 165KB)

Children’s Residential and Supported Living Accommodation SPD

scoping report

This scoping report identifies the key issues relevant to planning when assessing proposals for Children’s Care and Residential Living Accommodation. It outlines the suggested role and scope of the SPD, relevant policies and offers a timetable to completion.

Children’s Residential and Supported Living Accommodation SPD scoping report (pdf 224KB)

How can I find out more?

You can view the documents clicking the links above.

You can see paper copies in all six Sefton Libraries and at Magdalen House, Trinity Road, Bootle, L20 3NJ.

How can I comment?

Send written comments to us:
• Email us at
• By post to Planning Department, Ground Floor, Magdalen House, Trinity Road, Bootle L20 3NJ

The consultation will run until Monday 3rd March 2025

Privacy Statement

Your personal data will only be used as part of the Council’s statutory planning duties. Comments may be published and made available for others to see and copy although we will not publish your personal name or contact details. For more information on how we deal with personal data please see

The Council are currently preparing the following Supplementary Planning Documents which will be published for comment later this year:

Nature SPD

Developer Contributions to Southport Visitor Infrastructure SPD

Last Updated on Tuesday, January 14, 2025

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