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Local Plan

What is the Local Plan?

The Local Plan will shape the future of Sefton for years to come. It sets out how new development will be managed in the period from 2015 to 2030, it encourages sustainable development and economic growth and it gives current and future generations more opportunities to live and work in Sefton’s outstanding environment.

The Sefton Local Plan, together with Neighbourhood Plans set out below, and the Merseyside and Halton Waste Local Plan, form the development plan for Sefton.



The Council adopted the Local Plan at its meeting of the Full Council on Thursday 20th April 2017.

The Local Plan documents are:

Local Plan for Sefton [written document] (pdf 4.18MB)
Southport Policy Map (pdf 7.43MB)
Formby Policy Map (pdf 3.28MB)
Carr Houses Inset Map (pdf 256KB)
Bootle and Crosby Policy Map (pdf 5.42MB)
Sefton East Parishes Map (pdf 4.86MB)
Local Plan Adoption Statement (pdf 4.86MB)
Adoption Statement (pdf 197KB)

Certain designations may change over time – such as Minerals Licensing Areas, Conservation Areas and Nature Areas – and it is advised to check the Local Plan on the Council’s online mapping service, SIMON

Other key Local Plan documents

Inspector's Report (pdf 731KB)
Inspector's Report - Main Modifications Appendix (pdf 1.5MB)
Sustainability Appraisal Report (pdf 454KB)
HRA Report of Publication Draft Local Plan (2015) (pdf 1.93MB)
HRA Report of Proposed Modifications to the Draft Local Plan (2016) (pdf 1.32MB)
Sefton UDP Revocation Statement (pdf 289KB)

Preparation of the Sefton Local Plan

The Local Plan has been prepared over a number of years. The key stages were as follows:

  • Issues stage - 2009: consultation on a range of issues facing Sefton
  • Options stage - 2011: three options – ‘urban containment’ / ‘meeting identified needs’ / ‘optimistic household growth’. Consultation May-July 2011.
  • Preferred Option stage – 2013: based on the strategy of meeting identified needs. Consultation July-September 2013. 
  • Publication Draft Plan – 2015: closely based on meeting identified needs, adjusted to take account of the then latest (2012-based) population projections. Consultation January – March 2015. 
  • Submission stage – 2015 to adoption 2017: Submission draft Plan closely based on meeting identified needs, taking account of the 2012-based population projections. The draft Plan was submitted in August 2015. Hearings were held in November and December 2015 and January 2016 and the Inspector issued initial findings in February 2016. Proposed Modifications to the submitted Local Plan were published by the Council in June 2016. Consultation on Proposed Modifications June – August 2016. Further hearings took place in November 2016 and the Inspector’s note was published in January 2017. The Inspector’s final report was received in March 2017.


Sefton Council 'made' (adopted) the Lydiate and Maghull Neighbourhood Plans at the meeting of the Council on Thursday 24th January 2019 and ‘made’ (adopted) the Formby and Little Altcar Neighbourhood Plan at the meeting of the Council on 21st November 2019. These Neighbourhood Plans now form part of Sefton's development plan. Together with the Sefton Local Plan (2017) and Waste Local Plan (2013), they are the primary considerations in determining planning applications within the Parishes of Formby, Little Altcar, Lydiate and Maghull.

The Neighbourhood Plan Documents are:

Formby And Little Altcar Neighbourhood Plan (pdf 8.51MB)
Formby and Little Altcar Neighbourhood Plan Decision Statement (pdf 367KB)
Lydiate N P Final Version Copy (pdf 3.09MB)
Lydiate N P Proposals Map (pdf 548KB)
Lydiate Character Assessment (pdf 3.72MB)
Lydiate N P Decision Statement (pdf 72KB)
Maghull N P Final Version2 (pdf 2.54MB)
Maghull N P Proposals Map (pdf 1.1MB)
Maghull Residential Character Assessment2 (pdf 3.5MB)
Maghull N P Decision Statement (pdf 72KB)

More information on the Neighbourhood Plan process is available here.


Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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