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Domestic Homicide Review

Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHR) were established by the Home Office on a statutory basis under section 9 of the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims act (2004).  They came into effect on 13 April 2011.

A Domestic Homicide Review is a review of  the circumstances in which the death of a

person aged 16 or over has, or appears to have, resulted from violence, abuse or neglect by:

  • a person to whom they were related or were a member of the same household, or
  • with whom they were or had been in an intimate personal relationship

Community Safety Partnerships are responsible for managing the Domestic Homicide Review process. In Sefton, this is the Safer Sefton Together partnership.

What are they for?

The purpose of a Domestic Homicide Review is to establish any lessons learned, apply these lessons to service responses  and to help prevent future domestic abuse related deaths. They are not inquiries into how someone died or who is to blame.

We will publish the reports and findings of these reviews as they become available.

DHR Reports:

Sefton DHR1 - Exec Summary (pdf 391KB)
Sefton DHR1 - Overview Report (pdf 452KB)
Sefton DHR2 - Overview Report (pdf 818KB)
Sefton DHR3 - Exec Summary (pdf 352KB)
Sefton DHR3 - Overview Report (pdf 397KB)
Sefton DHR4 - Exec Summary (pdf 448KB)
Sefton DHR4 - Overview Report (pdf 528KB)
Sefton DHR5 - Exec Summary (pdf 531KB)
Sefton DHR5 - Overview Report (pdf 842KB)
Sefton DHR6 - Exec Summary (pdf 485KB)
Sefton DHR6 - Overview Report (pdf 916KB)
Sefton DHR7 - Exec Summary (pdf 555KB)
Sefton DHR7 - Overview Report (pdf 700KB)
Sefton DHR8 Exec Summary (pdf 249KB)
Sefton DHR8 Overview Report (pdf 514KB)
Sefton DHR9 - Executive Summary (pdf 460KB)
Sefton DHR9 - Overview Report (pdf 800KB)
Sefton DHR10 - Learning for Publication (pdf 102KB)
Sefton DHR11 - Executive Summary (pdf 309KB)
Sefton DHR11 - Overview Report (pdf 646KB)
Sefton DHR12 - Executive Summary (pdf 385KB)
Sefton DHR12 - Overview Report (pdf 713KB)
Sefton DHR13 - Learning for publication (pdf 96KB)
Sefton DHR14 - Exec Summary (pdf 189KB)
Sefton DHR14 - Overview Report (pdf 401KB)
Sefton DHR15 - Exec Summary (pdf 380KB)
Sefton DHR15 - Overview Report (pdf 1.08MB)

Last Updated on Thursday, March 20, 2025

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