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Crosby Investment Strategy

Crosby Investment Strategy

Crosby Village is a key town centre and community hub in Sefton. In 2015 the Crosby Investment Strategy was produced to develop a vibrant and exciting centre of community life within Crosby Village, with an attractive mix of community services, meeting places, pubs, cafes and restaurants as well as space for both independent and national retailers.

The Strategy was developed with Sefton Council’s lead consultants Nexus Planning and Broadway Malyan. The strategy process has been supported by a Crosby Steering Group and incorporates the views of previous consultation events. The Steering Group was made up of retailers, residents and community sector representatives.

The Strategy links into the Sefton Local Plan, identifying specific development proposals along with support for the planning regeneration priorities for the area and will help guide the future of the council’s current property and land holdings in the area.

Following this in 2017 Crosby Centre SPD was produced to guide development in the village.

It is hoped that investor confidence will also be enhanced through these plans and that this will help bring together both private and public sector resources to improve the overall economic health and vitality of the town centre.

 Stakeholder and public consultation and engagement were an essential element in the production the Crosby Investment Strategy and a consultation and engagement report produced alongside the strategy. This report provides the findings from the engagement process undertaken by Sefton Council and the consultants.

The Council continue to work closely with Stakeholders such as local residents, local businesses and the voluntary sector to help focus on what is important for Crosby going forward. The Investment Strategy has been prepared at a time when local authorities are operating with significantly reduced budget settlements. This underlines the importance of working in partnership with the private sector alongside the community and local business, to deliver improvements that are needed.

The aim of the consultation and engagement process was to:

    • Inform the development of the Crosby Investment Strategy
    • Provide a platform for the public and other key stakeholders to shape a future vision for Crosby.
Crosby Investment Strategy Final Part 1 (pdf 5.41MB)
Crosby Investment Strategy Final Part 2 (pdf 3.91MB)
Crosby Consultation Report (pdf 521KB)

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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