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Sefton Economic Strategy Public Consultation

Sefton Economic Strategy Public Consultation

Sefton Council has completed its public consultation exercise for the Sefton Economic Strategy 2022/24. The council used a mix of consultation activities to collect views on how to help improve the Borough’s economy for its residents, communities, and businesses.

An Economic Strategy is a plan that looks at the business and employment needs of an area and sets out what the Council will do to meet these needs.

This consultation has helped the Council to understand better the needs of Sefton residents, business owners, organisations and investors, as it plans its Economic Strategy for the years 2022 to 2024.

Please read a copy of the Sefton Economic Strategy consultation results

Sefton Economic Strategy-Consultation results

Sefton Economic Strategy

Easy Read Version

Equality impact assessment

Sefton Equality impact assessment 

Sefton Economic Strategy

Following consultation, the final Sefton Economic Strategy was approved by Sefton Council Cabinet on 3rd November 2022

Sefton Economic Strategy 

Why Your Views Mattered

Sefton Council had an existing Sefton Economic Strategy but work on this changed because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Now that we are recovering from the pandemic, we needed to look again at the Economic Plan for Sefton to make sure:

  • The information is correct and important for Sefton
  • Whether the four themes listed below are the correct themes


  1. Employment & Access to work
  2. Business growth & Investment
  3. Social Inclusion & Access for all
  4. Regenerated Places

Future Involvement

While the strategy framework has been approved, the Council is undertaking further work on an action plan setting out key activities and projects under each of its key four themes for Employment, Business, Social Inclusion and Regeneration.

Consultees who indicated they wanted to be kept informed of progress will be immediately notified upon completion. If not already done so, should any resident, stakeholder, business, or organisation wish to be kept informed please contact


Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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