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The Mayor of Sefton

The Mayor of Sefton acts as the first citizen of the Borough of Sefton and has precedence within the borough boundaries over all except members of The Royal Family and the Lord Lieutenant of Merseyside.

The Mayor chairs the meetings of the Council, represents the Council on civic and ceremonial events, promotes the Borough when attending a wide range of functions and raises funds for the Mayor of Sefton's Charity Fund. The role of the Mayor is non-political, and they do not have any decision-making powers.

The Mayor attends many functions during their year in office, both official meetings and social events. On all occasions when the Mayor is present at any function, it is essential that they be accorded the precedence and courtesy due to the office of Mayor, both by custom and by the law of the land.

If you wish to invite the Mayor to an event, it is important that early contact is made with the Mayor's Office to check the Mayor's availability. At least two weeks’ notice is required. Contact can be made by clicking on the link on this page, by email to or by writing to the Civic and Mayoral Services Officer, Town Hall, Oriel Road, Bootle, L20 7AE. Telephone No: 0151 934 2062

 The Mayor’s Office can provide advice on any matters relating to the correct protocol to be followed regarding the Mayor’s attendance at an event.

Mayor of Sefton - Cllr June Burns 

The Mayor of Sefton for 2023/24 is Councillor June Burns.

Past Mayors

A list of the previous Mayors of Sefton from April 1975 when Sefton Council became a Borough Council, is available in the download section below. It also includes the past Mayors of Bootle, Crosby and Southport before the formation of Sefton Council in May 1974. 

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