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Buckley Hill Lane development

Buckley Hill WebSefton Council is seeking feedback from residents in the Netherton area on a proposal to construct 70 new homes and apartments at Buckley Hill Lane, Netherton.

Through its housing development company Sandway Homes Limited, the Council is proposing the development to the east of Buckley Hill Lane on the former Z Blocks land brownfield site.

You can read the Buckley Hill proposals leaflet here.

People have until the end of Friday 10 July,2020 to provide feedback on the proposals by emailing

All comments will be considered and, where appropriate, incorporated into the final design and layout of the site before the proposal is submitted for planning permission..

The proposed development forms part of Sefton’s Local Plan, which was adopted in April 2017, and is an element of the Council’s commitment to improving the availability of housing stock across the Borough.

A previous consultation on this site undertaken in July 2019.

Last Updated on Monday, September 30, 2024

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