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Road weight limits

Weight restrictions can be imposed for structural or for environmental reasons. It is a legal control on a specified vehicle weight or width, mainly on lorries, on certain roads and routes.

Restrictions are subject to a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and the associated procedures. Regulatory signs are erected on site to give effect to the TRO and to assist the police in carrying out its enforcement.

Where the weight limit is being applied for structural reasons, the people maintaining the structure will assess the structure and if found to be weak, will calculate the safe working load which the structure can carry. They will then apply to the network management team requesting a suitable weight limit.

Can I apply for a weight limit on my road?
Weight restrictions can be applied to roads where Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) are causing environmental problems. Residents or Councillors may request the introduction of a weight limit. On most roads, however, access by HGVs, will always be required for delivery wagons to local shops, refuse vehicles, skip wagons to residential properties and to service local businesses. 

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