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Transport Policy

Local Transport Plan for Merseyside
Planning for the future is a vital part of our work. The demand for transport and hence the pressure on the existing transport network is expected to continue increasing.

We need to be able to make best use of the network we have already and try to improve it to meet the demands and challenges of the future. We also need to make transport opportunities more widely accessible for all and as safe as possible.

The main basis of our approach to transport planning is set out in the Merseyside Local Transport Plan (LTP). The LTP sets out the implementation plans for each member of the Transport Partnership across Merseyside and takes a longer term view of transport strategy up to 2024. 

Transport and Developments
The increased demand for travel created by new development and regeneration provides us with a major challenge. We need the new development for the jobs and opportunities it brings, but we also need to ensure that people can get there and that it doesn't cause a major problem for the existing transport network.

Our development planning policies relating to transport have been set out in the Unitary Development Plan (UDP) and, to assist developers, we have produced detailed Supplementary Planning Document on Ensuring Choice of Travel.

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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