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Public Health Annual Report

Public Health Annual Report (PHAR) – Sefton Council 2021/2022

In January 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) reported that cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, China had been caused by a novel coronavirus named ‘severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). This coronavirus causes COVID-19 and prompted a global public health emergency that has impacted us all.

Directors of Public Health (DsPH) have a responsibility to act in pandemics to reduce negative impacts on the most vulnerable in our society. However, it is the whole system that must work together to ensure the best outcomes for our communities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, all aspects of public services have worked together across Sefton to produce a coordinated response. We have seen people make incredible sacrifices within our borough to protect friends, family, colleagues, and other members of our wider community.

For the 2021 Public Health Annual Report (PHAR), we wanted to share a snapshot of stories from across Sefton. This film aims to highlight the invaluable work that went on during the COVID-19 pandemic. We think it is important to recognise the significant role different agencies played in responding to COVID-19. We cannot hope to show all the agencies that contributed within one short video; instead this film provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the diversity of organisations involved in the ongoing pandemic response and to consider what we have learnt about working together during a period of incredible uncertainty.

  • We would like to thank everyone who has worked with us over the last two years, including those who contributed to the making of this video:  
  • Alena Petrie, Manager at Cambridge Court Care Home
  • Angela White OBE, Chief Executive at Sefton CVS
  • Ann Irvine, Senior Infection and Prevention Control Nurse at Merseycare
  • Dr Niall Leonard, GP and Clinical Advisor at Sefton CCGs
  • JBA Video
  • Neil Moore, Headteacher at Stanley High School
  • Terry Wood, Environmental Health and Licencing Manager at Sefton Council
  • Councillor Ian Moncur, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing at Sefton Council

You can find a transcript of the video here.


This year’s annual report has been produced as a short film about health inequalities. It focuses on a specific area in Sefton, where a unique community leadership approach is helping to tackle high levels of inequality.

Health inequalities are the differences we see in health within, or between, different geographical areas and communities. For example, in Sefton, we know that people living in the north of the borough live, on average, 12 years longer than those living in less affluent areas in the south. The report focuses on Bootle, an area in the south of Sefton, where different factors like poverty, unemployment, poor housing and unhealthy environments contribute to this ‘health gap’.


Below is a written version of the report which contains more information.

Public Health Annual Report 2019/20


 The report for 2018/19 highlights the issue of air quality in Sefton:

Below is a supplementary fact file with more information and where to go for more advice and guidance: 

Air Quality and Health in Sefton

PHARs from previous years can be found below:

2017/18 Video- Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health of Children and Young People

PHAR 201718 Emotional Wellbeing And Health Of Children And Young People (pdf 7.99MB)
PHAR 2017/18 - Updated Recommendations From 2016/17 (pdf 180KB)
PHAR 2016/17 - Wider Determinants of Health (pdf 2.08MB)
PHAR 2015/16 - Good Health In Tough Times (pdf 947KB)
PHAR 2014/15 - Nurturing The Hearts And Minds of Children (pdf 1.91MB)
PHAR 2013/14 - Delivering Public Health In A Changing Environment (pdf 5.05MB)
PHAR 2019-20 (pdf 10.9MB)
PHAR Transcription (pdf 90KB)

Last Updated on Wednesday, August 28, 2024

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