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Provider Market Information

Sefton Market Sustainability Plan

This is our first plan to ensure the sustainability of care homes and home care services in Sefton. It aligns with the Care Act 2014 and the Department of Health and Social Care’s National Fair Cost of Care Guidance. 

Sefton Market Sustainability Plan (pdf 839KB)

Adult Social Care Market Position Statement

This document is a tool for current and potential service providers in Sefton. It helps them understand the market and how to deliver services that meet the community’s needs. Our goal is to give people more choice and control over their lives. 

Market Position Statement 2025-2028 draft (pdf 3.39MB)


Please inform the Council immediately if your service/s faces significant capacity issues, such as high staff absence. 

Please email: and 

2025/26 Sefton Fee Rate Provider Consultations

Sefton has commenced consultation on 2025/26 fee rates.

Letters for each sector summarising the proposals and the consultation and decision making timeline can be found below:

Letter to Care Home Providers

Letter to Community Support Providers

Letter to Day Opportunities Providers

Letter to Domiciliary Care Providers

Letter to Extra Care Providers

Letter to ISF Providers

Letter to Support Living Providers

Last Updated on Monday, February 24, 2025

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