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Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) looks at the current and future health and care needs of the local population to inform and guide the planning and commissioning (development of services) of health, well-being and social care services within the Sefton authority area.


  • Looks at the health of the population, with a focus on behaviours which affect health such as smoking, diet and exercise.
  • Provides a common view of health and care needs for the local community.
  • Identifies health inequalities.
  • Provides evidence of effectiveness for different health and care interventions.
  • Documents current service provision.
  • Identifies gaps in health and care services, documenting unmet needs.
  • Is concerned with wider social factors that have an impact on people’s health and wellbeing, such as housing, poverty and employment.

Who is the JSNA for?

The main audience for the JSNA are health and social care commissioners who use it to plan services.

It can also be used as an evidence base for preparing bids and business cases, by the voluntary and community sector to ensure that community needs and views are represented, by service providers to assist in the future development of their services, and by the public to scrutinise local health and wellbeing information, plans and commissioning recommendations.

What does the JSNA look like in Sefton?

JSNAs are flexible and enable local areas to focus on the priorities and present information in the way most relevant to them. JSNA related documents in Sefton include:

  • Core JSNA Data sets and analysis:
Adults At Risk (pdf 1.21MB)
Children (pdf 1.49MB)
Children's Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing (pdf 1.32MB)
JSNA Highlight Report (pdf 875KB)
Community Safety (pdf 1.42MB)
Education (pdf 1.29MB)
Health (pdf 3.2MB)
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (pdf 3.92MB)
Special Educational Needs (pdf 2.16MB)
Wider Determinants (pdf 2.7MB)
Youth Justice Service (pdf 730KB)
National Child Measurement Programme (pdf 1.36MB)
Sefton DA Needs Assessment Executive Summary FINAL Aug 22 (pdf 1.27MB)

Who is involved in producing the JSNA in Sefton?

Under the Health and Social Care Act 2012 local Health and Wellbeing Boards are responsible for producing the JSNA. Health and Wellbeing Boards will collaborate to understand their local community’s needs, agree priorities and encourage organisations involved in health and care to work in a more joined up way. Members of the Sefton Health and Wellbeing Board include representatives from local authorities and the NHS in Sefton, local councillors and other community representatives. 

Health and Wellbeing Boards are also responsible for the production of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy, which is a strategy to address the needs identified in the JSNA, and set the health and wellbeing priorities of the board accordingly. 

The Council will continue to assess the strategic needs across localities in Sefton in partnership with the members of the Health & Wellbeing Board. This analysis will feed into refreshing strategies relating to Health, Children and Young People, and Vulnerable Adults. 

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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