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Adopted Supplementary Planning Documents/Guidance

There are a number of supplementary and information notes which add more detailed guidance to policies in the Adopted Local Plan and made Neighbourhood Plans. They have been subject to public consultation and are material considerations in the determination of planning applications.

In the past few years, a number of Supplementary Planning Documents and Guidance notes have been revoked:

Revocation Statement - June 2016 (pdf 192KB)
Revocation Statement – September 2017 (pdf 191KB)
Revocation Statement – June 2018 (pdf 197KB)
Revocation Statement - June 2023 (pdf 511KB)

Affordable and Supported Homes SPD (2023) (pdf 858KB)
Adoption Statement (pdf 120KB)
Consultation Statement (pdf 743KB)

Subsequent to the adoption of the Local Plan and the SPD the Council have amended some aspects of how it will implement affordable housing policy. Specifically these are:

  • The Council will calculate the affordable housing requirement of a proposal on units rather than bedspaces
  • The tenure split for affordable housing will be applied as follows:
    • Bootle and Netherton – Affordable Homes to be split 33% affordable or social rent; 67% affordable home ownership homes
    • Elsewhere - Affordable Homes to be split 67% affordable or social rent; 33% affordable home ownership homes
  • That in order to be considered affordable, homes approved for discounted market sale are to be discounted to 80% of full market value or the amounts set out in table 4.26 of the SHMA (or a subsequent update) whichever is lower
  • that the preferred type of affordable home ownership products are those that include some initial upfront capital payment (such as a deposit contribution)

These are set out in a Cabinet Member Report:

Strategic Housing Market Assessment Cabinet Member Report (word 46KB)

The type and size of affordable homes that the Council would wish to be provided on site are set out in a Registered (housing) Provider Investment Guide (2020)

RP Investment Guide 2020 Seftonstrategic Housing Needs Assessment (pdf 133KB)


The Government has recently introduced a new mandatory requirement for 10% Biodiversity net gain (BNG). This applies major development and minor development applications submitted from 2nd April 2024. There are some exemptions, including householder development. More information is available on the Council’s webpage here or Government web-pages.

New Homes SPD (2023) (pdf 768KB)
Adoption Statement (pdf 121KB)
Consultation Statement (pdf 743KB)
Southport Seafront SPG (pdf 4.37MB)

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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