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Support with looking after your mental health

The support on offer can help us with our mental health and wellbeing meaning that we will sleep better, are able to do the things we want to do and can have positive relationships with those around us.  

Kooth provides online support form children and young people in Sefton aged 11-25. 

Kooth can direct you to a crisis service or you can join up to access counselling, advice and support online.  

Is there any local support available in Sefton? 

NHS Sefton Talking therapies is a free, confidential service to support people with anxiety, depression and other common mental health conditions. The service is available to anyone aged 16+ and registered with a Sefton GP. The service provides psychological therapies (sometimes called talking therapy) on the telephone and online guided self-help, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and counselling. Self-referrals can be made between 8am and 8pm Monday to Tuesday, and 8am to 5pm Wednesday to FRIDAY on 0300 303 2708 or online 24/7.  

NHS Mersey Care is providing urgent 24/7 mental health support. Anyone, including those in crisis can refer themselves into the service by calling 0800 145 6570 (freephone).  

Listening Ear provides psychological support line or ‘listening ear for anyone aged 16+. The service can discuss your needs and signpost you to resources, information and other services!  

The Life Rooms is providing mental health and wellbeing support for anyone aged 18+. They are providing online staying well at home learning courses. They also have pathway advisors who can support and provide advise around debt management, employment, housing, benefits and more. They can be contacted by phone 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday on 0151 478 6556. 

Kooth provides online support form children and young people in Sefton aged 11-25. 

Kooth can direct you to a crisis service or you can join up to access counselling, advice and support online.  

Women and Families

The Venus Centre in Bootle is an organisation for women, families, young people and children.

Details can be found online or by calling 0151 474 4744.   

The Swan Women's Centre in Litherland can provide Counselling, Outreach Services, Volunteering, courses, Therapies, Support Groups and more.

Visit the website for more information or call 0151 933 3292.  


I've seen some of the work across Cheshire and Merseyside, how do I access this support?

The Be Kind to Your Mind campaign has been launched across Cheshire and Merseyside and aims to support the mental wellbeing of those living and working in Merseyside. It includes the ALMA online hub, which includes mental and physical wellbeing resources e.g. online cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). 


I would rather use national support services; do you have any information about these? 

The NHS mental health and wellbeing advice website contains information for people experiencing stress, feelings of anxiety or low mood. It includes self-assessment, audio guides and practical tools. 

Every Mind Matters provides simple tips and advice to support you to take care of your own wellbeing and mental health or support someone else. It contains short videos on a range of topics from mindful breathing to improving sleep. 

The NHS has published a series of mental wellbeing audio guides to support people with feelings of anxiety or low mood. 

Anxiety UK provides a helpline for people experiencing or suffering with anxiety, one to one therapy support and a free subscription to the Headspace application. Visit the website or call 03444775774.  

Is there any support available for children and young people? 

Kooth provides online support form children and young people in Sefton aged 11-25. 

Kooth can direct you to a crisis service or you can join up to access counselling, advice and support online.  

0-19 services

0-19 services, including health visitors and school nurses operate in Sefton and are contactable for support, advice and information around family health and wellbeing.

For more information, contact the duty team by telephone on 0151 247 6354 or by email at

Further information about these services can be found at:

Health Visiting Service :: Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust

School Health Team :: Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust


Young people aged 11-19 can gain advice on health and wellbeing from a School Nurse via a text messaging service ChatHealth. The young person can remain anonymous if they wish.

The number for ChatHealth Sefton is 07312 263 291.

The Venus Centre in Bootle is an organisation for women, families, young people and children.

Details can be found online or by calling 0151 474 4744.   

The Alder Hey CAMHS team offer support during crisis, including assessment support via telephone. They are also due to begin a range of online groups and seminars from May 2020 for parents/carers, children and young people. To make a referral for support contact 0151 282 4527 or email Further information can be found on Twitter at @camhsSefton 

More information about support for children and young people can be found in the 'Sefton Educational Psychology Service Guide for Supporting Parents, Carers, Children and Young People During the COVID-19 Pandemic' at /public-health/mental-health-emotional-wellbeing.aspx  

Support for bereavement

The NHS provides support around Grief after bereavement or loss

Cruse Bereavement Care has free online resources to support you during a bereavement, including specific information on how grief may be affected during the coronavirus. 

At A Loss is a signposting website with an online chat facility called 'GriefChat' that allows you to speak to a bereavement counsellor.

Child Bereavement UK provide one-to-one support for those grieving the loss of a child, or for children and young people (up to age 25) who are experiencing bereavement. There is a live chat feature and a helpline open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm at 0800 02 888 40 for those wishing to access private and confidential support.  

Alder Hey's Child Death Helpline offer support to anyone affected by the death of a child of any age, from pre-birth to adult, under any circumstances, whether recently or long ago. It provides an opportunity to talk in confidence to someone who has also experienced the death of a child. Free Phone 0800 282 986

The Alder Centre provides bereavement care through counselling, group activities and other complimentary therapies for parents and families Located at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital 0151 252 5391

Mind provides information on bereavement, where to go for support and suggestions for helping yourself and others through grief.  

Amparo provides emotional and practical support for anyone affected by suicide. The service is completely confidential and can provide short-term or longer-term support. 

For a step-by-step practical guide following a bereavement, visit the government website. The site includes information on how to register a death, arrange a funeral and check if you are eligible for bereavement benefits.  


Last Updated on Thursday, October 24, 2024

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